Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Narcissists
In the diagnostic manual for psychiatry, they are listed as Antisocial Personality Disorders. They represent a very small percentage of the population and have enormous power. Many are wealthy CEOs and their servents in government.
They lack fear, remorse, empathy and honesty. They are competitive and at times aggressive. They lie easily and comfortably. The smart and good looking ones can be charming and charismatic. It's a game for them to manipulate others to gain control and power.
They have a social advantage because they really don't care about other people and say whatever they think other people want to hear in order to get what they want.
Most people are trusting, trustworthy, cooperative and feel an empathic connection with others, and are blindsided by these people. There is a fundamental difference between the people with antisocial personality disorder and most people.
Perhaps this is the greatest problem: most of us who have empathy do not recognize these people for who they are (self Indulgent, taking advantage of others and lacking empathy). If we saw through their pretense and lies, we would take away their power or not give it to them in the first place.