A Solution 



As a society, we need to educate all of us about the fundamental differences in human nature. 

There are 2 basic types of people: Social (with empathy) and Antisocial (without empathy).

Genetics plays a strong role in determining this dichotomy, just like eye or skin color. Some people are born with their empathy gene turned on (the vast majority) and others with it turned off (a small percent).  We are mostly a very social species, like most primates.  These traits usually don't change throughout a person's lifetime.

Societal factors can have a significant influence as well, teaching people to be more social (cooperative, honest, caring for others) or antisocial (independent, competitive, aggressive).  

There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of personalities. Also, at times empathic people can act in hurtful ways to others and those without empathy can act in caring ways.  Some people are a mix, displaying both traits, depending on the time and situation. 

As a society we need to recognize these traits and differences, and learn how to integrate them in ways that maximize well-being for all people and other life on the planet.  

We know what happens when sociopaths are in charge: they take as much as they can and leave everyone else fending for themselves.  Just like the alpha male chimpanzee, modern (mostly men) rule by competition and aggression.

The natural leaders, sociopaths, need to be moderated by those with empathy. The sociopaths will resist and manipulate of course, according to their nature.  Without the moderation by those with empathy, they will rise to the top and rule, to our collective demise.

That's where those with empathy need to step in and figure out ways of educating the masses on how to deal with and utilize the natural leaders. 

We need a movement, initiated by the unnatural leaders, those strong in empathy, to incorporate leading with cooperation instead of competition into our social structure.