My Favorite Sayings 

The following are sayings that I made up or have heard that are meaningful to me.  If you read them all you will notice themes and redundancy!  No hurry to read them all, it's long...

It’s all about learning – lifelong learning

Be open to new ways of perceiving what you experience

Things aren’t always what they seem

The greatest risk, it’s been said, is not taking any

If we listen to the voices in our hearts, we’d find we’re not so far apart

Experience the gift of love – both giving and receiving

Truth is relative to perspective – different perspective makes for different truth

Let your mind lovingly accept all feelings in your heart and body, whether happy, sad, angry or afraid

Together in cooperation we stand. Divided in competition we fall

Live in your emotional body. Let your mind be a tool of your heart, not visa versa

Each of us is making it up as we go along, doing our best with what we’ve learned and experienced, and who we are as individuals

Society’s ‘rules’ change, depending upon the situations and people involved. What’s right today may not be tomorrow

Think for yourself, yet be open to learning from others

Question your thoughts and feelings, as well as those of others

Most religions are divisive 

Competition’s good – for the winners. It sucks for the losers

Greed is good – for the greedy individual, but is bad for society

In a competitive system such as capitalism, resources are greatly unevenly distributed

The human race is acting like cancer on Earth

Don’t ask yourself, “How should I feel.” Instead, ask, “How do I feel.”

Do unto others as you think they would want you to do unto them

Listen and speak from your heart and feelings

Live from your heart

Capitalism:by the rich, for the rich

As long as I blame my parents (or anyone else) for my problems, I won’t be responsible for them, and consequently will feel and act helpless to do anything about them

Use it or lose it!

Be sure to confront the bullies in the playground

Free Market Capitalism is individual greed made legal!

If humans don’t stop their growth, nature will, and it will be disastrous

Question all the answers

The indulgence and neglect of today will be paid for by those of the future

Get Competitive About Being Cooperative :-)

Most religious people think all the other religions are wrong – and they’re right – they are ALL wrong!  

Give to others what it is you want from them

Question the rules

All my hero’s have been laid to rest and all my idols I have come to possess 

“What are you going to do?” I don’t know – I’ll think of something!

Acceptance has nothing to do with right and wrong, it is simply the acknowledgement of something

Life is the journey, not the destination

There will always be mysteries to life

Humans are just another animal. We are here because of all the other life that has preceded us

Our way of life (the top 10% consumers) is destroying not only a lot of other life, but our own as well

Breathe Freely

Breathe into your heart

Cooperation’s based upon trust. Competition's based upon distrust

Keep your eye on the big picture

Sociopaths feel little or no fear, guilt or empathy

Smart sociopaths easily lie and pretend to get what they want from others

Sociopaths 'love' caring and empathic people because they are so easily manipulated

Sociopaths rise to the top and rule, to our collective demise

Sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists all have very similar antisocial qualities

Sociopaths don't trust others because they themselves are not trustworthy

Empathic people trust others because they themselves are trustworthy

Most empathic people don't understand the very different reality of sociopaths. If they did, they would limit the sociopath's power

The way to presence is not devoid of the past. It is through it and with it.

Being present is living in one's heart and body

Live in the present. If not, come back to the present

From a place of presence, there is no seeking, just being

Move your consciousness from your head to your heart and body

Happiness is attractive

Shame is the opposite of self-acceptance

Defensiveness is the opposite of openness

The antidote to perceived criticism from others is self-compassion

Positive feelings reflects needs met. Negative feelings reflects needs unmet

Your intention behind your communication is more important than the communication tools used

Emotional reactivity is a reflection of past unresolved hurts

When emotionally reactive, it is difficult to be loving or let in love from others

The best apology is a change in behavior

The past is within us, it's not behind us

Don't assume your thoughts and feelings are accurate. Reality Check frequently!

Meaning of life is assigned by self, not given from outside of self

My meaning to life is to keep moving

My meaning to life is to stay in intimate contact with others

Go to a place deep inside yourself and notice what your mind is doing

A meditation: There is nothing to do, nowhere to go. All there is is the present moment, with breathing and heart beating and the experience of life

There is nothing to prove

Live in an open mental state of, "I do not know"

Live from love

Empathy is love, love is empathy

Living in the "flow" of life means life is constantly changing and uncertain. Living in the "know" of life means life is defined and stagnant

Life is always changing

Language provides structure and limits to our understanding

Self-awareness is being conscious of ones thoughts, feelings, needs and sensing.

Self-acceptance requires self-awareness and self-compassion

Complex language is key to human learning and development

Living cooperatively is key to human development

Most human technology is destructive to nature, and ultimately destructive to us

For the human race, it's apparent we can't keep growing (in population, consumption and pollution) without destroying nature. We must learn to live more lightly upon the Earth, Now!

Life moves toward pleasure and away from pain

Better to be Loving than to be Right

Using Guilt likely produces two responses: they do what you want and resent you, or they do the opposite (and resent you)

It is a gift to others to ask them about themselves and show interest in their lives

The saying, "you can't love others until you love yourself," is missing something essential. We learn to love ourselves from receiving love from others

Don't be too attached to who you think I am or who you think you are

Cross that bridge when you get there 

One step at a time

Stay present

Be open to change

Trust requires cooperation

 My intention: to strengthen my loving relationship with myself and others, and live more fully in the present moment

Understanding with our head is different than understanding with our heart

Healing from past trauma and hurts is rarely easy

There is no hurry

All life is temporary

Accept mistakes as part of living, focus on learning from them. Sometimes ‘mistakes’ turn out to be not mistakes at all!

The only moment that really matters is this one

The only moment in which you can respond is this one

Embrace Humility

Courage is not acting without fear, it is acting with it

Anger never comes first. It is a reaction to feeling fear or pain

Each of us needs to think, feel and act true to ourselves.

Create a pause between a stimulus and response

Take nothing for granted

Acceptance leads to understanding

Right/wrong consciousness is fundamentally different from connection consciousness

Each person has their own experience of the meaning of any interpersonal interaction. What is of essence is the ability to arrive at a deeper understanding of each others unique perspective and hopefully resolve conflicts or misunderstandings

Right and wrong, good and bad, are all human constructs, and they change depending on the person and time

Freedom without responsibility can be very dangerous

Embrace life even when sad and crying, scared, or frustrated and angry.

We are the result of billions of years of evolution on Earth. 

Mutuality is essential in relationships

Growing up is a lifelong process, the best time to practice is in the present moment

Is the glass half full or half empty, is a misleading question. The answer is, both

Actions speak louder than words

Essential to successful relationships is the ability and motivation to resolve interpersonal conflicts. It requires both/all people to have the skills and interest

Focus on, what is my present moment emotional reality, and what's next.

To thy own self be true. Don't forget to consider other people and other life forms as well :-)

It's difficult to be present when pains from the past have not been healed. Needed is establishing a relationship with those past pains and integrating them into our 'present' selves. Not an emotionally easy task!

There is no future, until it happens!

Let go of all expectations

The eyes are the window to the soul, if you are able to see

Get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable!

Life is a series of letting go. Every present moment fades into the past and opens up to the next present moment

Embrace Moderation

We, Homo Sapiens, are an accumulation of 3.5 billion years of life on Earth

So much of life is not in our control, but I put my attention where I think I might have some

Embrace Acceptance

Embrace Tenacity

The cooperative must contain the aggressive in order for our species to last much longer

Presence has no agenda

Every moment is new

Empathy is our connection with all other life

Don't believe, or disbelieve, your thoughts

There is no time like the present :-)

Beware of charismatic and charming people, often they are manipulating others for their own benefit

I live in emotions

Never always :-)

Gratitude is a reflection of needs met 

Everyone is my family

Rid yourself of your ego, live in your heart instead 

It's hard to trust people when you've had past hurts from them 

Have no pretences

Accepting feelings allows you to process them, when not accepting them they process you

Denial can be a useful short-term strategy but is generally counterproductive in the long term

Imagine seeing every individual issue or event within a much larger context. That could transform one's initial impression

Speaking from one's heart is a different language than many of us have learned

Relax into your breathing

Being attached to being right is a problem!

All languages are made up 

All religions are made up

The more our needs are fulfilled, the easier it is to give to others 

I always know that I never know :-)

History is written by the winners

Frequently, smart people disagree with each other

Life requires ongoing adjustments and changes 

We are, most of us anyway, such emotional beings. American culture doesn't recognize this.

The demands of the human race are way more than the Earth can provide for or tolerate

Sarcasm reflects anger and pain

Don't stop now

The most 'invasive species', by far, is the one who invented the term

Accept other people's impressions and judgements as just that - their impressions and judgements.  

Pay off debt quickly 

Processing feelings involves both thinking and feeling

In the present moment is where life happens

Embrace Play

Mutual respect is crucial to healthy relationships

My heart only knows the present

My heart knows how it feels. I, my consciousness, just has to pay attention :⁠-⁠)

Virtual reality is an oxymoron :-)

Sustainable development is an oxymoron

Question everything you've heard about what's right and wrong 

People in denial have something in common, they don't want to talk about it

Pick your battles, or better yet, find a way to avoid them

Don't do for others what they can do for themselves, except on special occasions

For a sociopath or a psychopath, it doesn't matter to them whether they tell the truth or lie

Any social system that works must address the needs of the individual as well as the needs of the whole society

Human nature for competitive people is fundamentally different from the human nature of cooperative people

Instead of grow up, grow into our whole being, spanning back to our birth.

Complex human language has enormously increased our learning and development 

Complex human language has enormously increased our ability to understand ourselves and each other

If you accept your feelings, they will speak to you, and for you!

Being present contains all the past

It's not true that it takes two people to fight or to mess up a relationship. What is true is that it takes two healthy people to maintain a healthy relationship. One person can get in the way of having a loving and respectful relationship

Good intentions can turn out bad! Reality check the outcome to see if they worked out as intended 

Acting nice is a pretence if you are feeling frustrated or angry 

If you seek to avoid discomfort, you will also avoid living in the present. For me, living in the present means there's no agenda and nothing to avoid. If I have discomfort in the present moment, that's what I will need to be with in order to stay present. If I seek to change my present state, I won't be present within myself

Imagine having no ego 

Listen from deep within yourself 

If we listen with our minds to our feelings, they will communicate with us. It takes an open mind to notice our feelings

Empathic people are fundamentally different from narcissist or sociopaths.  

My body needs my attention 

All human beings are my family

We live in the center of the universe, for a brief moment in time. Yet, in the moments of our lives, we think and experience this as everything.

Trauma needs recovery to heal

I, in the present moment, am the sum total of all my life experience 

We live in times of exponential growth, unlike anything in human history. Like bacteria in a petri dish, we will exceed our carrying capacity quickly 

I don't really have a choice about how I feel in the moment. I can choose to acknowledge and experience it, or reject it, but the feeling is there regardless. Best I pay attention and learn from it

Good intentions sometimes turn out bad 

The only people who can get into social power are the sociopaths and psychopaths. The people with empathy get taken out by those who lack empathy and fear 

The first step toward fixing or changing sadness, or any uncomfortable feeling, is to accept it, just as it is :-)

Creativity alone is not enough, it needs reality checking to see how it works out 

If there were no aggressors, there would be no war 

How I feel is more important to me than what I think 

Our technological development has grown tremendously while our Social development has not